Ever tried to wink a cookie into your mouth? Take on this and so many other bizarre challenges in our Games in One Minute series!

Our Games in One Minute are fun, easy and inexpensive games that you can play at home. Follow the instructions provided below to get started!

And be sure to share your good times on social media with the hashtag, #FightHungerFest!


Requirements: 1-4 balloons/participant

  • Try your best to stay afloat! Using only one hand, participants must keep 1-4 balloons in the air for one minute.
  • The number of balloons being juggled will depend on the age of the participant.
  • Balancing the balloon is not allowed, and blow dryers are creative, but discouraged.


Requirements: Several disposable plastic cups, 1 balloon/participant

  • Set several disposable plastic cups face up, as if you were going to fill them.
  • Participants must blow into a balloon and attempt to topple the cups using only the escaping air from the balloon. Touching, blowing directly with your mouth, or shaking the ground to topple the cups is not permitted.
  • Whichever player can topple the most cups in one minute, wins!


Requirements: several spaghetti noodles, several penne pasta noodles, 2 paper bowls/participant

  • Italian-enthusiasts must place one end of a dry spaghetti noodle in their mouth.
  • The participant must then transport as many penne pasta noodles from one paper bowl to another, using ONLY the dry spaghetti noodle, in one minute.
  • If the spaghetti noodle should break, another noodle must be retrieved.
  • The individual that transports the most penne noodles wins!


Requirements: 1 sandwich cookie/participant

  • Indulge in a minute-to-win-it classic! Tilt your head back far enough to balance a cookie on your forehead.
  • Using only your facial muscle, twitch the cookies into your mouth without using your hands. You have one minute to guide the cookie from your forehead to your mouth.
  • If the cookie should happen to fall off of your face, place it back on your forehead and begin again.


Requirements: Several pennies

  • You’ll need a serious change of pace to win this game. Using only one hand, participants must stack pennies as high as they can in one minute.
  • The individual that stacks the most pennies wins!


Requirements: Several Goldfish crackers or mini-marshmallows, 1 bendy-straw/participant

  • A game only for suckers. Using only a bendy-straw, participants must transport crackers or marshmallows from one paper bowl to another by sucking the snack up!
  • The individual with the most snacks transported in one minute, wins!


Requirements: 5 apples/participant

  • Make a fruity tower using 5 apples.
  • The first participant to stack 5 apples AND keep the tower standing for 3 seconds, wins!


Requirements: 36 Disposable plastic cups/participant

  • Using 36 disposable plastic cups, you must construct and deconstruct an entire pyramid in one minute.
  • If the pyramid collapses, you must start over.


Requirements: 1 tissue box, 10 ping-pong balls, 1 belt or pair of pantyhose/participant

  • You’ll resemble a kind of backwards kangaroo in this game. Fill the tissue box with 10 ping-pong balls and tie the box around your waste with belt or pantyhose.
  • The participant must shake the 10 ping-pong balls out of the tissue box within one minute. Handstands, cartwheels, and the Charleston are encouraged.


Requirements: 25 disposable plastic cups, one of which is alternatively colored/participant

  • Stack the disposable plastic cups with the colored cup residing at the bottom of the stack.
  • Participants must shuffle the colored cup to the very top in one minute to succeed!
  • The participant must work their way through all disposable plastic cups to win.